"I am the vine. You are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him ...bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." ~ John 15
Tota Pulchra es Maria | Totus Tuus Maria
The Great Novena is inspired by the work of Family Renewal Project, the only Theology of the Body apostolate in service to the Archdiocese of Louisville. Because of this, Theology of the Body is at the core of the context, vision, and proposed messaging of the Great Novena.
Our biggest, most heavenly, audacious goal is to see Catholic Disciples in every home in Louisville.
Trusting in God's grace, the purpose of the Great Novena is to provide the foundation for moral & religious renewal in the Archdiocese of Louisville.
Only with the most dedicated and consistent life of prayer and the miraculous grace of God can these goals be realized.
Thus, the Great Pentecost Novena is the very tool and prayer by which we could ever hope to do this. Leading up to the 2000th Birthday of the Church, the Great Pentecost Novena is inspired by Cardinal Wyszynski who led the first Great Novena in Communist Poland from 1957-66 to build momentum to celebrate the 1000th Baptism Day of Poland. This brought true family renewal to Poland and helped spark the solidarity movement which eventually overthrew Communism after JPII visited his home for the first time as Pope in 1979. (Witness to Hope, pg 324)
FRP plays a small but important part in this big vision. However, the Great Novena is bigger than Family Renewal Project. To reach its fullest potential, the Great Novena must be owned and guided by the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of every pastor, principal, and leader in the Archdiocese of Louisville. Other independent apostolates and organizations must also contribute to this effort.
A special Great Novena Task Force could plan special events beyond the scope of any single organization's bandwidth.
The Great Novena will also have the gift of FRP's Way of Trust 54-Day Rosary Novena at the foundation of any fruitfulness we hope to witness.
Explanation of Themes for Each Year & Purpose of this Effort
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are connected from Wonder to Wisdom in a way that helps us to more clearly see as God sees. Each statement (“You are here. Life is amazing” etc.) builds upon the previous year, and the main theme for each year ("Year of Wonder", etc.) is based on the story of salvation history from Genesis and Exodus to the Infancy of Christ as well as a deeper understanding of the Incarnation in the Gospel of John. The story continues of course with the birth of the Church at Pentecost up to modern times with JPII & the gift he gave us in articulating the Theology of the Body for such a time as this. If we wish to meet and serve Jesus in every body, we must first allow God to show us His Son within our body.
All events (annual or biennial) will be focused on the main theme of that particular year. Scripture quotes will also be prayerfully added to strengthen the thematic statements of each year. A Great Novena Team (comprising of FRP members and/or other interested parties within the Archdiocese) will meet regularly to prepare for the larger events and strategize on how to support and unify all our efforts. The goal is to imitate Cardinal Wyszynski’s efforts in Communist Poland so as to develop a similar foundation of “moral and religious renewal” within the Archdiocese of Louisville. This in turn will hopefully create the culture by which solidarity, healing, and true transformation will be possible, all in time for Pentecost 2033-34.
A full year committed to prayer, building a team, & sharing the vision.
A full year focused on gratitude, humility, and awe at the gift of creation
A full year reconnecting with our history, dignity, & the dream of true freedom
A year of openness and searching for real meaning, inspiration, and love.
A year focused on strength & endurance as we ask God for courage & healing.
A year spent embracing the most important knowledge in life---God's perfect love.
A full year responding to God's love, and seeing our deep desire for happiness.
A full year longing to see as God sees with clarity of heart, mind, soul, and body
A year allowing the death and resurrection of Jesus to fill our eyes with joy.
A Great Jubilee Year in celebration of the 2,000th Birthday of Catholicism.
General Structure
The Great Novena is built upon four main pillars
1) Prayer & Fasting
2) Discipleship & Formation
3) Family & Church Outreach
4) Cultural Transformation
Prayer & Fasting
From coordinated prayer efforts to personal devotions, FRP first and foremost is seeking God to show us the Way forward. All our results and fruitfulness comes from prayer. Fasting & Sacrifice will transform prayer into redemptive suffering.
Practical Opportunities
The Way of Trust 54-Day Rosary Novenas, the Pilgrimage to the Holy Family, Parish & Family Holy Hours, & Weekly Divine Mercy Chaplets are offered & promoted year round. Holy Mass & Eucharist is the source of all prayer, faith, & discipleship.
Everyone is seeking answers to their questions in some way, but only through a relationship with the very Person of Jesus Christ can the answers He gives to us make sense. Discipling others begins first with receiving Jesus' love in our own lives.
Practical Opportunities
The DYS Formation Model is offered to families, adults, leaders, and teachers in specific schools & parishes throughout the ArchLou. See the Tabs above for a quick explanation of each opportunity. Also see the "Tiers of Services" Tab.
Family Outreach
Each year will have a special theme, and from that theme--our courses, counseling, events, and ministries will take shape. We reach families through community & invitation. The family is at the heart of society, and is the nucleus of all cultures.
Practical Opportunities
Gatherings for Men, Women, & Couples are offered monthly or quarterly. Family Field Days, Couples Dances, Parent Groups, Online Resources, & Marriage Prep will also be annual / biannual.
Cultural Change
JPII believed the engine of historical change, more than politics or economics, is culture; and at the heart of culture, is cult, or religion. His love for theatre, poetry, music, art, nature, and human love inspires us to take the same approach today.
Practical Opportunities
Plays, Shows, Festivals, & Concerts will be organized each year.
Launch "Nucleus: The Central Hub for Creating Culture" inviting all Artists, Playwrights, Musicians, Actors, Poets, Adventurers, Coaches, Romantics, Pioneers, & Filmmakers
All events and efforts that are orchestrated each year will be focused on that particular year's theme and as an expression of one of these four pillars. Click on one of the years below to see a month-by-month vision of potential events, courses, celebrations, and opportunities.

A Year-by-Year, Month-by-Month Great Novena Vision
Oh Jesus,
I surrender myself to You.
Take care of everything.